Second trip to the long course in China ! And I arranged to coincide with the period of Chinese new year that I planned to go to Xi' year to find my two friends of University. Other highlights of the trail are the yellow mountains (Huang Shan) and the festival of Harbin ice sculptures.
29 January 2013 : I landed in Shanghai in the morning : hard drive lag ! But need more quickly into the rhythm, and after a breakfast in an airport troquet (without a menu in French and no English-speaking staff, in the international terminal !) I realize in the city center (by metro, I have the time), asks my business at the hotel and go directly to the bazaar of the metro Science & Technology Museum to order a new costume. And there, the salesperson remembered me, that happened more than a year ago !
The next day, I put myself on the way to the yellow mountains.
There are several ways to get there : bus (5-6 hours from Shanghai), train and aircraft. Airport, the railway station and the main bus station are to Tunxi, or Huang Shan city. Buses go directly to Tangkou, the tourist resort at the foot of the mountains (the name on the ticket of bus is longer !), otherwise minibuses commute between the two cities. From Tangkou, It will take still take a shuttle bus to the entrance of the mountain (the mountain is located, and it is therefore necessary to pay !). Tunxi can also serve as a stage city, and some tourist attractions.
To mount, There is the choice between the cable car and a long and grueling walk 3 or 4 hours. I took the cable car, because top, There is still what to do ! Some peaks have names like the Chinese give : “the flower that blossoms at the tip of the brush”, “the monkey who contemplates the clouds”… Fun to find them !
The most interesting is to spend a night in the mountain (There are many hotels !) to enjoy the sunset and sunrise. Then, return to the hotel for a hearty breakfast before exploring the hiking trails ! In the meantime, groups of tourists had arrived and I must now appear in a few dozen Chinese photo albums !
Return to Shanghai where I get my new costume (“See you next year” Dixit the saleswoman) and stroll in a former village (Qibao, Subway of the same name), then direction airport, to embark Harbin !